In partnership with the University of Northampton
(Entry to Profession Programme – IAHIP Recognised)
*Currently accepting applications for 2024*
Core Training Day for programme beginning in October 2024: Thursdays (9.30 to 5.30)
This 4-year part-time programme offers a recognised professional training and qualification in counselling and psychotherapy. This programme meets the training criteria for professional accreditation and is designed to meet the requirements which are expected to be established for the statutory registration of counsellors and psychotherapists in Ireland. This programme is validated by the University of Northampton.
Our training is suitable for:
- Counsellors
- Health Professionals
- Teachers
- Care Workers
- Community Workers
- Others who are interested in working from
a humanistic and integrative perspective
Psychotherapy is understood, within this training, as a journey in relationship through any relevant aspects of personal, social and spiritual life – a journey which accommodates and encourages a growing awareness of the whole self. The person’s inner wisdom, personal freedom, and self-responsibility are central elements in this process.
Download Course Brochures here:
MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy Brochure 2024
Course Modules
There are 8 modules of study to be completed during the programme:
Year 1
- Human Development (20 credits)
- Developing the Therapeutic Context and Process (20 credits)
Year 2
- Mental Health and Psychopathology (20 credits)
- Common Presenting Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy (20 credits)
Year 3
- Clinical Practice 1 (20 credits)
- Research Methods (10 credits)
Year 4
- Clinical Practice 2 (20 credits)
- Research Dissertation (50 credits)
Core Elements of Training
The following are the four essential elements of counselling / psychotherapy training:
1. Personal Development
- Regular individual psychotherapy throughout training
- Fortnightly group psychotherapy during term
- Personal development workshops
- Personal journalling
2. Theoretical Learning
- Theory lectures / interactive seminars
- Independent study
- Student presentations
- Written assignments
- Research Dissertation
3. Skills Development
- Skills training seminars
- Supervised reciprocal skills practice
4. Supervised Clinical Practice
- One-to-one psychotherapy placement practice (years 3 & 4)
- Clinical supervision in groups (year 3)
- External one-to-one supervision (year 4)
- Clinical seminars
- Case studies
Attendance & Participation Requirements
- Academic year from October to May
- Two training modules per academic year (attendance requirements vary according to modules)
- Weekly individual psychotherapy
- Group psychotherapy (fortnightly in term)
- Reciprocal Trainee Therapy (1 hour per week – years 1 & 2)
- Group supervision (year 3)
- External one-to-one supervision (year 4)
- Clinical practice placement (min. 200 hours of client work during years 3 & 4)
Assessment is continuous throughout the programme and includes the following:
- Twice-yearly self-evaluation statements
- Review meetings with Core Tutors
- Written assignments
- Academic presentations
- Practice Journals
- Clinical Supervision reports (years 3 & 4)
- Case studies (years 3 & 4)
- Research dissertation (year 4)
Entry Requirements
Applicants are required to meet one of the following criteria:
- have a relevant primary degree (in addition to this entry requirement candidates will also be expected to have an appropriate level of personal maturity and life experience).
- Mature Student Option - the programme is open to applicants who do not have a primary degree but whose life / work / training / personal development experiences are deemed relevant to counselling and psychotherapy training.
The annual fee includes University registration, tuition costs, group supervision, review/feedback meetings and practice insurance cover.
Additional costs for individual and group psychotherapy and for external supervision in 4th Year will be negotiated by the student on a private basis.
Course fees are reviewed from time to time. Additional information regarding applications for the next programme and up-to-date information on course fees available to download here:
Applications are invited from the beginning of January each year. Application Forms and additional information are available to download here:
Additional Course Information 2024
For further information please contact:
The Administrator,
Dublin Counselling & Therapy Centre,
41 Upper Gardiner Street,
Dublin 1.
Tel: 01 8788236
Training Staff
Our training staff are highly qualified professionals in the field of Counselling and Psychotherapy. All members of the DCTC training team are fully qualified, accredited and experienced psychotherapists.
All training is completed through in-person attendance at Dublin Counselling & Therapy Centre (DCTC), 41 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin D01 C788
DCTC maintains an extensive and up-to-date counselling & psychotherapy library for student use.
During the 3rd and 4th Years of training students are required to undertake a clinical placement. DCTC will assist all students in sourcing placement arrangements that are suitable to each student's personal circumstances and to the programme requirements.
Course Brochure
Download Course Brochure for 2024 here:
How To Apply
- Download PDF version of application form here: Application Form 2024
- Download WORD version of application form here: Application Form 2024 (Word)
- Return completed Application Form to: The Administrator, Dublin Counselling & Therapy Centre, 41 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1 (note: please include references and application fee)
- Currently accepting applications for programme beginning in October 2024
- Maximum 18 places
- Offers based on application and interview